Download - August 2023
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Input Arguments and Output
The core files of our package include readImage.m and get3DKMI.m. The function get3DKMI plays a crucial role in receiving user input and producing the final output. Therefore, understanding the formats of inputs and outputs is key to helping users achieve the desired outcomes effectively.
Input | Description |
arr (Mandatory) | An array representing the 3D image. The image should be binarized, i.e., the pixel intensity at any point on the object is 1, otherwise, it is 0. |
dim (Mandatory) | An intended size of the image. To maintain the spherical coverage shape of the weight function when extracting the local features, we require the 3D image to be a cube. It is important to use a consistent size when comparing the features extracted from different 3D images. |
order (Optional) | An integer that specifies the moment order. A higher value indicates a more comprehensive description. Nonetheless, a larger number necessitates increased memory and computational time. Default value: 2 |
POI (Optional) | "POI" stands for "point-of-interest", denoting a 1x3 array that specifies the coordinates of the point of interest within the image. If the user specifies a POI as input, then the localized features around the POI will be extracted, whereas the absence of this input results in the extraction of features from the image as a whole. Default value: [] |
Output | Description |
invariants | An 1xP array representing the extracted features (3D Krawtchouk moment invariants). The length P of the features depends on the order. |